Unknown Pleasures

Cork X Southwest Music and Arts Festival 2011 - Liss Ard Estate, Skibbereen by Conor Kinchella Stewart Photography

This is the second year I have photographically covered the Murphy's sponsored Cork X Southwest Music and Arts festival on behalf of Entertainment Architects. This year the festival was held in the Liss Ard Estate, just outside Skibbereen, West Cork. I can honestly say that is is the best small festival I have been to yet, and for many reasons, none the least the crowd, the venue and artists on show. Photographing this venue was an absolute delight, meeting people having a laugh, a drink, a healthy and delicious bite to eat.

Below you can find eight handpicked photos of this festival and directly underneath the photos you will find a slideshow encapsulating my take on this magnificent festival.

All images are copyright of aidanoliver photography.


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